Heraldry of Ballencrieff
All Scottish Barons are entitled to a personal Coat of Arms, which will be granted by The Lord Lyon. The Baron of Ballencrieff’s Arms feature the following elements:
The Baronial Mantle (robe) is a unique feature of the Arms granted to Scottish feudal nobility (prior to 2004). It sits behind the shield.
- The Chapeau, or cap of maintenance, granted to Scottish Barons (prior to 2004). It is a red, fur-lined cap that sits atop the shield.
- The Helm, a helmet above the Chapeau, signifying noble rank. A Scottish Baron’s helmet is traditionally steel with three grilles in gold. However, in more modern practice it has become fashionable to display the helmet of a lower rank than the one held.
- In the upper left of the Escutcheon (shield), a gold five-pointed star above a golden crescent, all on a green background, signifying the current Baron’s Islamic heritage.
- The Crest, located above the helmet, is a white, winged horse, referencing the “buraq” of Islamic mythology.
- Central to the Coat of Arms is a camel, which references the current Baron’s Rajasthani heritage.
- The Baron’s personal Motto: “Patiently Persevere” is from the Qur’an (2:153). In Scottish heraldry, the motto is usually placed above the crest (rather than below the shield), and it is an integral part of the Arms that are granted. (In English heraldry, the Motto can be changed at the owner’s whim. In Scottish heraldry, changing the Motto requires a re-matriculation of Arms.)
In addition, the Baron has been granted a Badge and Standard (flag).
The Badge, of a gold five-pointed star above a golden crescent, may be used by the Baron’s family and official followers.
(It should be noted that the notion of a “clan crest” or “family coat of arms” is a myth, as every Coat of Arms is personal to an individual. However, armigerous members of the same family may hold Coats of Arms that are similar, as they will often reference the Arms of their common ancestors within the design.)
The current Baron of Ballencrieff’s noble status was confirmed by The Lord Lyon King of Arms, an Officer of State and Officer of the Crown, who serves as the official representative, in Scotland, of HM Queen Elizabeth II. A copy of the confirmation, including blazon for full Armorial achievement (i.e. Coat of Arms) and additaments appropriate for the Baronial rank, is shown below.
Coat of Arms granted to Baron of Ballencrieff

WE, Robin Orr Blair, Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order, Writer to Her Majesty’s signet, Lord Lyon King of Arms, send Greeting: WHEREAS
Baron of Ballencrieff in West Lothian, residing at [his address] Birmingham, having by Petition unto Us of date 19 November 2004 shewn: THAT he, The Petitioner, born Junaid Asmat, Islamabad [date of birth] 1977 is the eldest son of Asmat Abbas: THAT by Disposition of date 12 December 2004 recorded in the General Register of Sasines for the County of West Lothian of date 21 October 2004 the Petitioner was infeft as at 24 November 2004 in The Lands and Barony of Ballencrieff in the County of West Lothian: AND the Petitioner having prayed that he might be granted such Ensigns Armorial as might be found suitable and according to the Laws of Arms, together with additaments, badge and standard appropriate to a Feudal Baron in the Baronage of Scotland: KNOW YE THEREFORE that we have devised, and Do by These Presents Assign, Ratify and Confirm unto the Petitioner and his descendents with such due and congruent differences as may hereafter be severally matriculated for them the following Ensigns Armorial as depicted upon the margin hereof, and matriculated of even date with These Presents upon the 107th page of the 86th volume of Our Public Register of all Arms and Bearings in Scotland,
Videlicet:- Vert, a camel passant contournée, in dexter chief a mullet between the horns of a crescent Or.
Above the shield, behind which is draped his feudo-baronial mantle Gules doubled of silk Argent, fur-edged of miniver and collar Ermine and fastened on the right shoulder by five spherical buttons Or, is placed a chapeau Gules furred Ermine (in respect of his feudal Barony of Ballencrieff in West Lothian), thereon an Helm befitting his degree with a mantling Vert doubled Or, and on a Wreath of the Liveries is set for Crest a demi-Pegasus Argent, winged, crined and unguled Or, and in an Escrol over the same this Motto “PATIENTLY PERSEVERE” and for his Badge (as Feudal Baron of Ballencrieff in West Lothian) a mullet between the horns of a crescent Or, which Badge is depicted in the first and third compartments and the said Crest in the centre compartment upon a Standard three and a half metres in length of four tracts Or and Vert, split at the end, having Azure, a St. Andrew’s cross Argent in the hoist, with the Motto “PATIENTLY PERSEVERE” in letter Vert upon two transverse bands Argent: which chapeau, mantle, Badge and Standard are limited to the Petitioner and his successors in the said Ensigns Armorial who are in right of the Barony of Ballencrieff in West Lothian; by demonstration of which Ensigns Armorial he and his successors in the same are, amongst all Nobles and in all Places of Honour, to be taken, numbered, accounted and received as Nobles in the Noblesse of Scotland; IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have subscribed These Presents and the Seal of Our Office is affixed hereto at Edinburgh, this 27th day of July in the 56th Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seven.
Robin O. Blair
The Lord Lyon